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Core 4 - What's Up, Charades for Kids, Don't Say it and Yes! No!

University Games Stand: DP1-D91
  • Core 4 - What's Up, Charades for Kids, Don't Say it and Yes! No!
  • Core 4 - What's Up, Charades for Kids, Don't Say it and Yes! No!
  • Core 4 - What's Up, Charades for Kids, Don't Say it and Yes! No!
Core 4 - What's Up, Charades for Kids, Don't Say it and Yes! No! Core 4 - What's Up, Charades for Kids, Don't Say it and Yes! No! Core 4 - What's Up, Charades for Kids, Don't Say it and Yes! No!

Leading the way, and firm favourites, are our Core 4 children’s games, What’s Up, Charades For Kids, Don’t Say it and Yes! No!  What’s Up is the classic ‘What’s on my head?’ game, written especially for children for all ages to play and enjoy.  Featuring people, sports, transport and animals, the cards are graded for younger and older children making this a prefect party or family game. Charades for Kids is a super fun game suitable for players 4 years and over, in addition to written objects and actions the game also includes 50 picture cards so the youngest of players can join in the fun! Don’t Say It is a fantastic word game with four levels of difficulty that helps children develop their word vocabulary. Last but no means least is the renowned Yes! No! The fast and furious game where answering Yes or No gets you dinged out by the bell.  Perfect for the whole family, just be careful what you say! Retailers will not want to miss out on these year-on-year best sellers.


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